PJFriel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pjfriel/art/I-Surrender-161929037PJFriel

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I Surrender



Because every gallery needs a bodice ripper image. ;)
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900x1200px 363.08 KB
© 2010 - 2024 PJFriel
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roadkillarteest's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

Hm, the power of three <img src="e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/s…" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title=":) (Smile)"/> I'll be the third to critique this!

Anyway, I have to begin like this: Your work is stunning, it always is. However, when I compare this to your other works, I find myself disappointed somehow. It's not on par or something, but the good news is, I think I know why.

I think it's all in the lighting. I think it's flushed. You have too much light going on and it's hard to tell where the light's coming from. I mean, I can see the shadows, but they're so weak, it detracts from the realism, I think. The candles lend nothing to the light, not even a glow on her hair. You and I both know that the Nova hair catches light, maybe even too much. Speaking of catching light, his bicep reflects too much, I think. I see nothing but the white light there.

His hair looks like it was taken from an Anime, no problem with that, but it doesn't fit the realism here. And his pants look too big in the waist and, despite the belt, about to fall down, however, I know that some clothing articles in certain poses don't want to act right, so maybe that's it. Her hair flies back a little far at the nape of the neck and is reminiscent of a barbie-doll's hair... however, that's essentially what Victoria is, a digital Barbie.

Ok, I'm done being negative.

The moon - You know I always love how you sneak the moon into your renders. and the trail of fog looks like it's directing, not only catching, the moonbeam to the lovers. I love that.

I love the poses... It says to me that he doesn't want her to go, but he's cherishing the fact that she's in his arms. The look on her face says to me that she doesn't want to go, but realizes she must, and even to the point that she wishes he would just let her go, rather than cling and make things harder.

Her dress is elegant, the length of her hair majestic, and I love the color of it, as well... standard, I know, but I can't help admiring dark auburn hair.

I MUST agree with Stage in that her feet are most assuredly ON the floor, not above, below or through it, as is hard to do in any rendered piece, and the candelabra is a nice touch, the glow of the candles elegant and inviting, even if they don't really seem to give off the light.

Top it off with the starry night beyond, and you've got a great thing going on here.